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Korumburra Local History

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The town of Korumburra is located in the South Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. With a population of around 4,000 people, it is a small but charming town that has a rich local history.

The area was originally inhabited by the Bunurong people, who were the traditional owners of the land. They were semi-nomadic and would move around the area in search of food and resources. The Bunurong people were known for their intricate basket weaving and other forms of craftwork, which they would sell or trade with other tribes.

The first European settlers arrived in the area in the 1870s, and the town of Korumburra was officially founded in 1879. The town was named after a local Aboriginal word, which meant "land of many streams". This was a reference to the many streams and creeks that flowed through the area.

In the early days of the town, the main industries were farming and timber. The rich soil and temperate climate made it a perfect place for growing crops, and the large forests provided a ready supply of timber for building and other uses.

In the late 1800s, dairy farming became a major industry in the area. The first butter factory was built in Korumburra in 1891, which marked the beginning of a boom in the local dairy industry. The town became known as the "butterfat capital of the world", and farmers from all over the region would bring their milk to the various factories in Korumburra.

As the town grew, so too did the need for infrastructure. In 1904, the Korumburra Railway Station was opened, which brought a new level of connectivity to the town. The railway allowed farmers to transport their produce to markets in Melbourne and other cities, and it also brought tourists and other visitors to the town.

During World War II, Korumburra played an important role as a training ground for soldiers. The nearby Camp Hill was home to a military training base, which saw thousands of soldiers pass through the town. Many local residents also contributed to the war effort in various ways, such as working in munitions factories or volunteering for organisations like the Red Cross.

Today, Korumburra is still a thriving town with a strong sense of community. While the dairy industry is no longer as dominant as it once was, the town has diversified into other industries such as tourism and hospitality. Visitors to the town can enjoy local attractions such as the Coal Creek Historical Village, which showcases the town's history through interactive exhibits and demonstrations.

In conclusion, the history of Korumburra is a fascinating story of a small town that has been shaped by its environment, its people, and its industries. From its humble beginnings as a farming and timber town, to its heyday as the "butterfat capital of the world", to its modern incarnation as a tourist destination, Korumburra has always been a place of resilience and innovation.

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The Hills of Korumburra (m) Thanks to Michael Coghlan